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Wave penetration analysis is typically performed to ensure that the coastal structure at the harbour provides adequate shelter from waves and currents for ship berthing. Generally, wave penetration inside a harbour occurs through the entrance. The type of coastal protection (usually a breakwater) also has an impact on wave agitation within the harbour. In this research, wave penetration analysis has been done, mainly, by using MIKE 3 Wave FM software to model seven different scenarios as individual cases. From the seven different cases, the mean wave disturbance coefficient and mean significant wave height in the berthing area are determined. The model results showed that the wave penetration on the turning circle in the navigation channel is relatively unaffected by the wave disturbance in all seven cases. It is observed that 80 % of the time the significant wave height in the berthing area was less than or equal to 0.1 meters. The wave climate in the berthing area is therefore classified as good. Consequently, it can be concluded that the breakwaters are achieving their goal of reducing the impact of wave action and currents within the harbour.



Wave Penetration Mike 3 Wave FM Berthing Harbour Waves

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Author Biography

Precious Mattah, ACECoR, Centre for Coastal Management, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast 00233, Ghana

ACECoR, Centre for Coastal Management



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